Endy's Chronicle

Tunnel Ride

Growing up was amazing until the storm arose.

"Life isn't a bed of roses" came to play.

 I remember Mama selling akara balls just to support Papa in running the home.
 I remember the accident. I could barely walk for some time.

Papa was still concerned about my education at early age but just when my puberty knocked on the door, his attitude changed. Monthly flows came with inability to get pads.

"Dummy" was a nickname I adopted. I was tagged "mumu" by friends, foes and family.

School became a deadly ground where the little hope I had was hurried. No hopes on. Lights out. Darkness became my only light. You could just call me Ben Carson junior-- I was dumb as a door knob. Papa gave no listening ears.

Selling "Egusi", the only source of income that'd suffice for my education. Life became thorns. Waking up became nightmares as what would I expect? Another horrible day!

This never discouraged me from being the best.

***The Scripture***

Romans  8:35

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Dear friend,
This is Reality versus Faith.

I am Endurance,
You can call me the Significant Billionaire.


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