May The Day Never Come!

May the day never come
When our foods are out of reach
When the earth yields not rich
And we scratch the soil for grains

May the day never come
When our lips have been battered
And the truth is that dreadful light
That blinds our precious eye!

May the day never come
Where the law becomes crippled
And decrees become the flag
Of our national heroes

May the day never come
Where another Barabbas would be
Freed to crucify the innocent Jesus
And trap him within grasses of thorns

May the day never come
Where a stone would be eaten
By the crowd when there is a fruit
For they are hoodwinked by themselves

May that day come
Where justice prevails
Where skulls fit bodies
Where peace flows like milk
Where joy is as sweet as honey

© Lad of the wind
AkinAdemola Emmanuel


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