Success Story

Success was awoken by her mother, a woman suspected to be in her 40’s. She had long dark hairs weaved into two braids, though hardly seen inside her net cap. She had a bold face with beautiful features: her teeth were seen to be strong and shiny white as she smiled to the lazy wake of her beautiful daughter. 
Success’ mother gave Success a gentle tap on her shoulder with her soft hand. She jumped up and gave her mother a warm embrace. Her mother kissed her on the forehead in return after inquiring about her sleep. Success then raised her hands up above her head as her mom pulled off her dress so that she could take her bath.
Success later ran off to the dining room after dressing up, shouting: “Mummy I am ready for school.” Her mother quickly brought her warm tea from the kitchen to drink in order to keep her from catching a cold on her way to school. Success likes it when she doesn’t eat to school. Her mother would walk her to school afterwards, ending the journey at the school gate with a goodbye wave and a kiss.
At the close of school for the day, Success’ mother waited at the gate to take her daughter home while Success ran to her on sighting her from afar. She told her mother everything that happened in school; how she was called on by a teacher to lead the National Anthem on the assembly ground and how everyone had clapped for her when she ended the last line. Her mother, with beaming smile on her face, expressed how proud of her she is and Success responded in her cool childish tone “Thank you mummy.” 
Later in the evening, Success wandered around the house in order to dodge her bath. But her mother was determined to ensure that she follows up her daily schedule, so she ran with her everywhere. No matter how stubborn Success tries to be, her mother never sees a cause to raise her hand on her child.
Soon, it was bed time and Success insisted that her mother read her a story from her fairytale collections. She wrapped her hands around her mother dearly like a new born child. Her mother was telling her the story of a girl far away that later became a princess but before she could finish it, Success had dozed off with a smiling face. Her hands still holding her mother tight to avoid her imaginary disappearance, hence, her mother had to lay in bed with her.

Success! Success!! Success!!! -Calls a fade voice at the far end of the room. Her mother’s image began to fade; all the furniture and walls started closing in on her. And then, as she open her mouth to speak in fear of what was about to happen, she woke up.
She woke up to what? She woke up to be who? She woke up in where?
Find out by reading the book SUCCESS STORY written by Oluboyo Kudirat🙏.

Copyright:Oluboyo Kudirat

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